Monday, July 12, 2010

Do you want to stop getting fat? Start looking at oils first!

Use oils with either Mono unsaturated or poly unsaturated fats. Do not use the oils high in saturated fats and those which have trans fats. Dont go crazy with oils. One tea spoon of oil is approximately 120 calories. To burn 120 calories you need to walk atleast 1 kilometer in a brisk manner. Do you want to stop getting fat? Then start with oils.

Percentage of Specific Types of Fat in Common Oils and Fats*

Oils          SaturatedMono-unsaturated Poly-unsaturated Trans

Canola          7                 58                 29                       0

Safflower     9                  12                74                        0

Sunflower    10                20                 66                       0

Corn           13                 24                60                        0

Olive           13                 72                8                         0

Soybean      16                 44                37                        0

Peanut        17                 49                32                        0

Palm           50                 37                10                        0

Coconut      87                 6                  2                          0

Butter         60               26                 5                           5

*Values expressed as percent of total fat; data are from
analyses at Harvard School of Public Health
Lipid Laboratory and U.S.D.A. publications.