Monday, August 2, 2010

India-Agroecological Regions

Agro-ecological Region Map of India 

India is divided into regions below based on rainfall, crops, physical properties, soils etc. This regional categories helps to manage agricultural requirements of farmers and government policies. 

AEZ No.Agro-ecological regionGeographical area (million ha)Gross cropped area (million ha)
Precipitation (mm)PET (mm)Length of growing period (days)Major crops
1.Cold arid ecoregion with shallow skeletal soils15.2
Western Himalayas
< 150<800< 90Vegetables, millets, wheat, fodder, barley, pulses
2.Hot arid ecoregion with desert and saline soils31.9
20.85Western Plain & Kachchha Peninsula< 3001500–2000< 90Millets, fodder, pulses
3.Hot arid ecoregion with red and black soils4.9
4.18Deccan Plateau400–5001800–1900< 90Sorghum, safflower, cotton, groundnut, sunflower, sugar cane
4.Hot semi-arid ecoregion with alluvium-derived soils32.2
30.05Northern Plain & Central Highlands including parts of Gujarat Plains500–8001400–190090–150Millets, wheat, pulses, maize; irrigated cotton & sugar cane
5.Hot semi-arid ecoregion with medium and deep black soils17.6
11.04Central (Malwa) Highlands,Gujarat Plains & Kathiawar Peninsula500–10001600–200090–150Millets, wheat, pulses
6.Hot semi-arid ecoregion with shallow and medium (dominant) black soils31.0
25.02Deccan Plateau600–10001600–180090–150Millets, cotton, pulses, sugar cane under irrigation
7.Hot semi-arid ecoregion with red and black soils16.5
6.19Deccan (Telangana) Plateau & Eastern Ghats600–10001600–170090–150Millets, oilseeds, rice, cotton & sugar cane under irrigation
8.Hot semi-arid ecoregion with red loamy soils19.1
6.96Eastern Ghats (Tamil Nadu uplands) & Deccan Plateau (Karnataka)600–10001300–160090–150Millets, pulses, oilseeds (groundnut), sugar cane & rice under irrigation
9.Hot subhumid (dry) ecoregion with alluvium-derived soils12.1
11.62Northern Plain1000–12001400–1800150–180Rice, wheat, pigeon pea, sugar cane, mustard, maize
10.Hot subhumid ecoregion with red and black soils22.3
14.55Central Highlands (Malwa & Bundelkhand)1000–15001300–1500150–180Rice, wheat, sorghum, soybean, gram, pigeon pea
11.Hot subhumid ecoregion with red and yellow soils11.1
6.47Eastern Plateau (Chhattisgarh Region)1200–16001400–1500150–180Rice, millets, wheat, pigeon pea, green gram, black gram
12.Hot subhumid ecoregion with red and lateritic soils26.8
12.09Eastern (Chhota Nagpur) Plateau and Eastern Ghats1000–16001400–1700150–180Rice, pulses, millets
13.Hot subhumid (moist) ecoregion with alluvium-derived soils11.1
10.95Eastern Plains1400–16001300–1500180–210Rice, wheat, sugar cane
14.Warm subhumid to humid with inclusion of perhumid ecoregion with brown forest and podzolic soils18.2
3.20Western Himalayas1600–2000800–1300180–210Wheat, millets, maize, rice
15.Hot subhumid (moist) to humid (inclusion of perhumid) ecoregions with alluvial-derived soils12.1
8.99Bengal Basin and Assam Plain1400–20001000–1400> 210Rice, jute, plantation crops
16.Warm perhumid ecoregion with brown and red hill soils9.6
1.37Eastern Himalayas2000–4000<1000> 210Rice, millets, potato, maize, sesame, Jhum* cultivation is common
17.Warm perhumid ecoregion with red and lateritic soils10.6
1.56North-Eastern Hills1600–26001000–1100> 210Rice, millets, potato, plantation crops, Jhum* cultivation is common
18.Hot subhumid to semi-arid ecoregion with coastal alluvium-derived soils8.5
6.12Eastern Coastal Plains900–16001200–190090>210Rice, coconut, black gram, lentil, sunflower, groundnut
19.Hot humid perhumid ecoregion with red, lateritic and alluvium-derived soils11.1
5.70Western Ghats and Coastal Plains2000–32001400–1600> 210Rice, tapioca, coconut, spices
20.Hot humid / perhumid island ecoregion with red loamy and sandy soils0.8
0.05Islands of Andaman & Nicobar and Lakshadweep1600–30001400–1600> 210Rice, coconut, areca nut, oil palm

Original Source for this map is
This information is provided to develop an awareness among public regarding Indian Agricultural Regions.